Potential Bet Summary for 2/16/21

Until we get the pages on the site set to publish first the Potential Bet Summary, the full list before culling through and eliminating what is not yet a strong enough stat to bet, then the Actual Potential Bet Summary, the list after Susan has sorted out what will actually be considered a bet, we’re going to post them here.

Before doing so want to also add the schedule that we’ll be working on this week which will be getting our site organized so everyone can easily access the daily information that includes these two reports and our wagering reports as well as an archive section so everyone will have access to these for reference.

Also until these are complete, and so you can see what we actually wagered I’m going to add links to the bottom of these pages for you to view.

Then we had a visit from Murphys’ Law this week as this is our official launch week and that is Cox Cable who is our local internet provider is upgrading on a large scale and has forewarned us that we will experience long periods of down time from Thursday the 18th through Sunday the 21st which will interrupt our process and during these days I will not be able to view potential bets or publish them. Rather than create any unnecessary issues I am going to use that time to put together everything you’ll need to know about our venture as we move forward. Which is something I was working aggressively towards accomplishing until the version 1 of this incredible program was launched and my focus switched to familiarizing myself with this. So I’ll use the downtime to complete this. Which will mean that Wednesdays posts will be the last one to include potential bets and most likely won’t post anything until next week when our internet service is up and running.

Here’s 2/16 list sorted from the program of potential bets:

The above lists the Actual Potential Bets Susan will consider betting for 2/16
(click photo to enlarge)

Below is 2/16 full list of all the programs potential bets for 2/16 before sorted:

Click on photo to enlarge

Odds % Payout Table & Tomorrows Potential Bets

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow is another race day and I’m currently culling through the full list of potential bets. When I have the filtered list ready I will post the actual potential bets here. This isn’t exactly how I had planned for things to unfold as my normal person is very organized. Even if the organization only makes sense to me. LOL However things came together over the last few days on how to apply these stats so I found myself ready to begin our test bets. Because of this I haven’t been able to fill you in on everything that I wanted to before we began testing and then I realized that this may actually be the best way. By starting first, posting everything, then walking everyone through the decision process as we are in motion that things would make a lot more sense to everyone because you will see the bets we select first.

That said, I do have a lot of catching up to do and in the process did not realize that tomorrow, Monday was a holiday and most of the tracks are running. So my thoughts of filling everyone in about what we bet today has to be delayed for another day so I have the time to look at tomorrow’s potentials. First is the list of all potentials before Susan applies filters;

2/15/21 Potential Bets Before Susan applies filters


Below is a post I started so I could share additional factors that impact our decision as to what we should bet and during the week when things are quieter, I will expand on this. I’ll leave this as is right now because I do think the images self explain and this will give everyone some time to absorb some of what we’ve already put together.


The most important document to keep with you at all times when deciding to place or pass a bet. Here’s an image for reference and below that is a link so everyone can download a copy too.

Click Here to download pdf

Our first official day of test bets included 2 passes; Tampa Race 5 and Gulfstream Race 6. Even though each one we decided Not to bet won, our reason for passing is solid.

We Could have bet this horse between 9/5 and 2/1 which equates to 33% however horse paid $3.80, just below even money so we passed based on the percentage of the stat. As stated the horses can win even though we passed however if we kept betting horses below their hit rate, we’d have to have a near 100% return to make money betting this way.
We Could have bet this horse between 3/2 and 7/5 which equates to 40% hit rate however horse paid $3.60, just below even money so we passed based on the percentage of the stat. As stated the horses can win even though we passed however if we kept betting horses below their hit rate, we’d have to have a near 100% return on our investment in order to make money betting this way.
This screen shot shows the true needle in a haystack when placing bets. Because this stat not only is missing an enormous amount of algorithms, it shows a high number for 3rd verses win which is what shows up in our potential bet summary list. Promise to elaborate later though I wanted to include this now so you will see why sometimes I will have a bet that we’ll make even if it is not currently showing on the standout list. There are other betting opportunities that we can take advantage of by understanding these statistics. We do not always have to bet Win to win.

We Broke Our Maiden!!!

Congratulations everyone. Will write a lot more tomorrow but just had to acknowledge our first win. After track cancellations and scratches we were left with three bets (one not listed that has yet to go off at GP in Race 10, we have the 5 to Show) because we cancelled the bet on Tampa Race 5 and Gulfstream Race 6 due to odds verses the percentages. We bet Tampa Race 8, the 7 to win and show and lost and then we bet the race that broke our Maiden, Aqueduct Race 7, we bet the 6 to Place. Even though he won at great odds, the percentages said to place and so I listened. This will now make sense of yesterday’s comment when stating that sometimes we will bet to place and they win. There are times we’ll bet to win and they place and there are also times when we’ll bet both Win, Place. By following the stats and their consistency we will make us a great deal of money over the long term.

Will be in touch again tomorrow about what happened today.

From my heart, Thank You for being part of this venture. Without You this wouldn’t have happened. We’re in the process of fulfilling Eds lifelong dream.


Good Morning,

Rather than add to yesterday’s blog post at the bottom and risk that you may not see what I want you to see about todays potential wagers, I’m initiating a new post so I can add anything here that is pertinent to todays wagers.

First remember my mentioning that we may not bet the programs potential listed bet because I see stats that lead me in another direction and this is the case in Tampa Race 8. We are going to pass on the 5 Baby Boomer and plan to bet the 7 Frontier Mesa to Win and to Show. Then in an upcoming post when we discuss todays plays I’ll show you why I am choosing this horse over the other. Remember this does not mean that the 5 Baby Boomer will not win nor does this mean that the 7 Frontier Mesa will. Test betting is an essential element guiding us to our path.

Interface – Potential Bets All- Then Potential Bets

Good evening everyone,
As mentioned in a previous post in order to release Version 1 to advance us to a point where we would be able to begin test bets I was faced with making some difficult decisions as to what necessarily had to be included in this first release. And one of these decisions meant accepting the interface in its’ current state. What this relates to in actual time spent establishing the days plays is when we have everything in place and our betting program reaches it’s completed state that I should be able to make all our potential betting decisions in about an hour, the day that we would be making bets. However in the current Version 1 format, depending on the amount of potential bets displayed, the decision as to what we may potentially bet can take anywhere from 4 to 6 hours to cull through, deciding which races offer the best possibilities.

You’ll note that the list of potential bets in the summary is from the algorithms already implemented however there are many yet to integrate and the racing class that suffers the most when the hierarchy rating that is assigned is the Maidens; both Special Weight and Maiden Claiming. The reason is there is no history so all figures are based off of the fine tuned overall stats of Track-Class-Distance-Surface and Field Size and because of this the statistics in the present form can only display information that is integrated. Missing from the Maidens is pedigree, workouts, equipment and medication changes, race history and much more. However, the tool does display statistics for all the runners and there are times when the horse displayed in the potential betting list do Not make it to an actual bet, BUT there may be another horse in the same race that statistically shows a better reason to make a bet. There are times when I will make a decision Not to bet the programs choice and bet another because statistics show this as a better match particularly in this early stage.

What won’t change is telling everyone our actual bets. To make this work, by betting odds to percentages and other variables that impact a bet is I will Not be making a list for everyone to see of what we will bet. There are too many reasons up to post time that play a role in whether or not a bet will be placed or passed. Some of these choices won’t be made until actual post time. What Will happen is we Will post all the potential bets for the following day first, then a post of what Susan has filtered to the best potentials and then the day after each race day a post of everything we actually bet. This is the key to our success since nothing but Zen Racing Stats bets are recorded so then the following day we’ll be able to post what we actually bet as well as the results of these wagers placed.

It would be negligence on my part to post all the potential bets our program pulls up knowing the algorithms not yet integrated in our program which is one of the reasons we are making test bets.

Today we’re posting what we will potentially bet tomorrow and on Monday we will post the results of the bets that we actually made. So it’s here! The day we’ve been waiting for has arrived; Let em roll at the quarter pole day happen to fall on Valentines day 2/14/2021 .

The first screen shot is of all tomorrow’s potential bets for Sunday 2/14 and the second is what I determined potentially betable after culling through the list.


Though I will always determine which ones we actually do bet, during this initial stage we will not be betting all the races on this list. Later once things are refined, refined, refined, then adjusted, adjusted, adjusted, this will change and it is likely we will bet most if not all.

In closing don’t want to forget to let you know that Cox Internet which is our local cable provider is upgrading their internet service and they sent three notices that our internet service Will be interrupted next week and this could happen intermittently from Thursday 2/18 through Monday 2/22. So just in case this interruption happens and I am unable to communicate during this time you’ll know why.

OK, soooo tomorrow 2/14/21 is our Official start date and The Day we Will be letting em roll at the quarter pole thanks to my love; the driving force of our venture, Ed Bain.

P.S. Thought this would be a good place to mention that even though we pass a race, this does not mean that horse won’t win. Just as if we bet a horse to place, that also does not mean that the horse won’t win. Or that what I select for us to bet that the horse I select will win. We have a strategy and a plan to make money on our bets which again can be acquainted to stock investments. You could always have sold the stock for a higher price if you waited or purchased for a lessor price given the same patience however no one in any scenario can always be dead on. What you can do is set into motion a consistent strategy. By setting a routine of precedence at the direction of the statistics we can profit in the long term. In our case where we’ll be adding algorithms as we move through this journey, the eventual outcome will be turning a profit on most of the programs list of potential bets. Then our attention will turn to how much we should bet on each race for the best possible return on our investment.

Good Morning and Happy Valentines Day which I’m officially changing to Let em Roll at the Quarter Pole day from this day forward.

Wanted to touch base briefly before we started to clarify some things that has come to light with the main one being is it OK for You as part of this venture to be able to make your own bets too on these potential selections and the answer to this is absolutely. Though I can not be involved with saying how you should bet them. What I mean by this is a lot of these selections may Not be win bets. I may bet them for us to Place or to Show or to W/P and so on and then when it comes to race time, depending on odds to percentages it’s a good chance that I may pass any of these. And in order to be all the best I can be for our venture I need complete solitude and freedom to bet the way I perceive best and this can not be accomplished with having to be in touch about our bets before, during or after each betting day.

The reason for the non-disclosure is so no partner will show, share, give away or sell any of this information, including the proprietary algorithms however this does not mean that You can not also make your own bets.

After today, when things will make a lot more sense after seeing the potential plays and the results I plan on writing in depth about all this and we’ll use the time during the week when there are not so many bets to look through to fill everyone in as we move forward in this exciting venture.

Wish all of us Good Luck today. I’m certain Ed is with us.

Horse Racing – Stock Trading

Good evening everyone,

Ed wrote the following in his Introduction of his 2001 publication
The 4 + 30 Percentages and Profitability book and though these words were written 20 years ago, the analysis Ed shared regarding the investment of Stocks and Horse Racing essentially remains the same.

Click the image to view in a new window and enlarge it…

Today my partners our Betting Program Version 1 has been released and to Ed and to me this is a day to celebrate. If Ed were here tonight I would be making us either chicken or shrimp parmesan accompanied with several glasses of chianti. These were our favorites and Ed always made me feel so good because he genuinely loved the meals I prepared for us. Our celebration is because we’ve just reached an amazing milestone by releasing our version 1 betting program. Technically this compares to the launch of Apples iPhone 1 though ours is made to be for a select few of 100 total investors where Apples target market was for the world.

This landmark event could have only been accomplishment because of Ed’s understanding that through information you can make a living at the track. And because everyone that has ever backed our ideas, past and present believed in the same.

Because our venture is in its 14 month of its making and version 1 just handed over to us today, I had hoped to have us set up and running test bets by this Saturday 2/13. However, I now see there is much to view and decipher, to get familiar with by looking through the information displayed so I can get enough of an understanding to precisely portray what we have and where we are headed. And for me to accomplish this, I want to set the date we begin our test bets to at the earliest Wednesday 2/17, to the latest Saturday 2/20.

I have several sound reasons for waiting until next Wednesday or Saturday 2/20 to begin, with the first one being I am completely exhausted, wore out to the core and my person is in need of a true break. When we begin it would be best for all of us for me to do so fresh, to be the best that I can possibly be. This will also allow for the time to fill everyone in the particulars that will include the betting program interface and why we will be betting some of the potential bets now and passing some for later.

So like stock investors we too are patient and letting the information guide us as best as it can in decision as well as direction.

Just a few days from letting em roll…………


Version 1 – Walk Before We Run

As mentioned in the previous post I had to make some tough decisions as to which algorithms had to be included in Version 1 and did the same regarding the interface in order for us to reach initial deployment of our betting program.

In continuance of yesterday’s post description of The Base Structure of Track, Class, Distance, Surface and Field Size using the same analogy with the Track GP, Class MSW, Distance 5 Furlongs, on the Turf Surface in a Field of 10, except this time the algorithm is not specific to Trainer Bill Mott and not specific to Jockey Junior Alvarado, rather an analysis is on all, in other words overall. Meaning every 5 furlong MSW turf race at GP in a 10 horse field is figured for every runner that left the gate and finished the race for every post position, for every MSW purse value (as purse size is the actual indicator of class), for every 5 furlong race on the turf, for every surface condition (like soft, heavy, good, firm), for all field sizes. And all these overall variables are also evaluated through the program where then it is designed to add positive results to a rating or subtract negative ones from the final rating when assigning a rating for each runner in each race. This is essentially a hierarchy where the program code perceives from all the input for each individual race who has the most positives in today’s race to finish 1st, or 2nd or 3rd and all the way through the field.

Then all these variables must be verified and this is one of the reasons why we required a Mathematician.

This is the field where the rating is applied

Using this same GP race conditions for you to see why at this early stage of Version 1 we will be walking, walking and walking more before we run;
Track GP, Class MSW, Distance 5 Furlongs, on the Turf Surface in a Field of 10, first this new algorithm is written not specific to the Trainer nor specific to the Jockey, and we write one asking how pedigree performs; the age this pedigree wins, the distance this pedigree prefers and then when lasix is administered, when bute is, when blinkers are put on, when blinkers are taken off, when the track is good, etc and then when all these variables are calculated overall , the exact same algorithm is written for how each specific trainer performs with this pedigree, how each specific jockey performs with this pedigree, how each jockey-trainer performs with this pedigree, how each jockey, trainer and owner perform with this pedigree, if the owner is the trainer how does the pedigree perform and then from here we run the same base algorithms for age, gender, when a workout is applied, when a workout is within so many days of a race…… This is all the information Ed and I were putting together for the developers all those months that we were quiet. Now I am able to share a personal note of the anxiety I felt because during this time Ed’s health was on a decline and I feared that we would not get all of his brain to the developers before he passed and I know first hand that Ed held on for us. So we could make this happen. He had unmeasurable strength and self discipline like no other.

In addition and included in The Base Structure are Ed’s Layoff, Claim, Debut and Won Last Race stats 🙂 This is our smoking gun so to speak because every algorithm written for every possible present variable in racing like mentioned above is also applied to every one of Ed’s applicable statistics.

Next post will be about the betting programs Interface.

The Needle in the Haystack

Good Morning,

I had to wait until we got to this point where we have the date when version 1 will release and we have your virtual signing of the non-disclosure agreement before I was able to share the following proprietary information with you.

And I am going to start by explaining the base structure of our betting tool and how the algorithms are applied and then how the dynamics change when new algorithms are added and then applied so you will see the direct affect these will have on the best potential bets that the program displays each day.

The Base Structure means everything is separated by Track, Class, Distance, Surface and Field Size. To explain the impact this has on each statistic lets say we have a race today at Gulfstream (GP), in a Maiden Special Weight (MSW), at 5 Furlongs, on the Turf in a 10 horse field and trainer Bill Mott has jockey Junior Alvarado in the irons and over the last 9 years (since our database statistics go back to 2012) this Trainer/Jockey combination had 10 tries at GP in a MSW at 5 furlongs on the Turf in a 10 horse field and they won with 2, placed with 1 and showed with 2, came in 4th once, came in 5th twice, came in 7th once and 9th once.

So the first human thought is, Bill Mott has a huge stable, how can he only have 10 tries? That would be the case if we did not separate out just Gulfstream, if we did not separate out the class of MSW, if we did not separate the distance of 5 furlongs, if we did not separate the surface and if we did not separate the field size. It can get even more refined and will when we add in algorithms like surface condition where the dynamics change again as some horses run better on a soft turf while others hate it. This algorithm may show us this combination once came in 7th because the race was on soft turf. Or it can show us why the 2 wins because perhaps the dynamics worked in favor of a soft turf.

When we offered Ed’s statistics for sale on line, they were focused and track specific and truly the most comprehensive however they were not refined even close to the degree of our betting program. The online stats were offered separated by sprint (7 furlongs and under) and route (7 1/2 furlongs and more) rather than how we factor in this program which we separated by 5 furlong, 5.5 furlong, 6 furlong, etc. The online stats also grouped the class together so all MSW at GP regardless of the purse were grouped together within that statistic. The stats we offered were groundbreaking and so were the players who looked for information before betting on racing because they view their bets as an investment, however even as detailed as the online stats were, Ed still only averaged 1 win out of 4 per day and he spent a lifetime culling through the stats just to find the 4 potentials plays.

We are looking for the needle in the haystack and from 108 racetracks to choose from we’ll have several needles a day. Our goal is to refine, refine, refine to win, win, and win and we’ll accomplish this by betting when the odds line up with the percentages . We may find that we are refining too much and discover too few needles in the haystack so we’ll make adjustments which is something we will always be doing.

There is a lot to share with you now that we’re so close to letting them roll at the quarter pole so I’ll write these posts in segments. It’s just important to Ed and me to be as clear as we possibly can. Sometimes transposing Ed’s brain into legible words can be challenging and can’t always be accomplished with graphics like shared in the previous post. It was when we used to host horse racing seminars in the 90s that my role as Ed’s translator began.

Quick Update

Afternoon everyone. I’ve been speaking with the developers all week and wanted to know the exact date before writing this post.

Our betting tool will be released in versions with each addition an improvement because it will include algorithms that were not in the previous one as well as advancement to the Interface. So in order to avoid anymore delay I made some tough decisions over the last few days about what algorithms had to absolutely be in version 1 and am happy to say that this will be in hand Tuesday 2/9/21.

Just wanted to relay good news and to let everyone know that over the next few days I will be posting quite a few updates so you’ll be in the loop; what to expect, when, along with how things will unfold. 🙂


Non-Disclosure Agreement

This Non-disclosure Agreement (this “Agreement” is effective as of May 08, 2020 the “Effective Date”), by and between Zen Racing Stats LLC (the “Owner”), of 8465 W Sahara Ave Suite 111-515, Las Vegas, Nevada 89117, and all LLC Members (the “Recipient”) where

Zen Racing Stats LLC will be sharing proprietary information with all its members, investors, and silent partners and as long as they own stock in and/or work for Owner in any capacity is prohibited from sharing, giving away, selling, showing or collaborating with to any person and/or entity outside Zen Racing Stats LLC company indefinitely.

The Owner has requested and the Recipient agrees that the Recipient will protect the confidential material and information which may be disclosed between the Owner and the Recipient. Therefore, the parties agree as follows:

I. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The term “Confidential Information” means any information or material which is proprietary to the Owner, whether or not owned or developed by the Owner, which is not generally known other than by the Owner, and which the Recipient may obtain through any direct or indirect contact with the Owner Regardless of whether specifically identified as confidential or proprietary. Confidential Information shall include any information provided by the Owner concerning the business, technology and information of the Owner deals, including, without limitation, business records and plans, trade secrets, technical data, product ideas, contracts, financial information, pricing structure, discounts, computer programs and listings, source code and/or object code, copyrights and intellectual property, inventions, sales leads, strategic alliances, partners, and customer and client lists. The nature of the information and the manner of disclosure are such that a reasonable person would understand it to be confidential.

A. “Confidential Information” does not include:

– matters of public knowledge that result from disclosure by the Owner;

– information rightfully received by the Recipient from a third party without a duty of confidentiality;

– information independently developed by the Recipient;

– information disclosed by operation of law;

– information disclosed by the Recipient with the prior written consent of the Owner;

– information disclosed by the Recipient with the prior written consent of the Owner; and any other information that both parties agree in writing is not confidential

II. PROTECTION OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Recipient understands and acknowledges that the Confidential Information has been developed or obtained by the Owner by the investment of significant time, effort and expense, and that the Confidential Information is a valuable, special and unique asset of the Owner which provides the Owner with a significant competitive advantage, and needs to be protected from improper disclosure. In consideration for the receipt by the Recipient of the Confidential Information, the Recipient agrees as follows:

A. No Disclosure. The Recipient will hold the Confidential Information in confidence and will not disclose the Confidential Information to any person or entity without the prior written consent of the Owner.

B. No Copying/Modifying. The Recipient will not copy or modify any Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the Owner.

C. Unauthorized Use. The Recipient shall promptly advise the Owner if the Recipient becomes aware of any possible unauthorized disclosure or use of the Confidential Information.

D. Application to Employees. The Recipient shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any employees of the Recipient, except those employees who are required to have the Confidential Information in order to perform their job duties in connection with the limited purposes of this Agreement. Each permitted employee to whom Confidential Information is disclosed shall sign a non-disclosure agreement substantially the same as this Agreement at the request of the Owner.

III. UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION – INJUNCTION. If it appears that the Recipient has disclosed (or has threatened to disclose) Confidential Information in violation of this Agreement, the Owner shall be entitled to an injunction to restrain the Recipient from disclosing the Confidential Information in whole or in part. The Owner shall not be prohibited by this provision from pursuing other remedies, including a claim for losses and damages.

IV. NON-CIRCUMVENTION. For a period of five (5) years after the end of the
term of this Agreement, the Recipient will not attempt to do business with, or otherwise solicit any business contacts found or otherwise referred by Owner to Recipient for the purpose of circumventing, the result of which shall be to prevent the Owner from realizing a profit, fees, or otherwise, without the specific written approval of the Owner. In such circumvention shall occur the Owner shall be entitled to any commissions due pursuant to this Agreement or relating to such transaction.

V. RETURN OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Upon the written request of the Owner, the Recipient shall return to the Owner all written materials containing the Confidential Information. The Recipient shall also deliver to the Owner written statements signed by the Receipt certifying that all materials have been returned within five (5) days of receipt of the request.

VI. RELATIONSHIP TO PARTIES. Neither party has an obligation under this Agreement to purchase any service or item from other party, or commercially offer any products using or incorporating the Confidential Information. This Agreement does not create any agency, partnership, or joint venture.

VII. NO WARRANTY. The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that the Confidential Information is provided on an “AS IS” basis. THE OWNER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OWNER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OR USE OF ANY PORTION OF THE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Owner does not represent or warrant that any product or business plans disclosed to the Recipient will be marketed or carried out as disclosed, or at all. Any actions taken by the Recipient in response to the disclosure of the Confidential Information shall be solely at the risk of the Recipient.

VIII. LIMITED LICENSE TO USE. The Recipient shall not acquire any intellectual property rights under this Agreement except the limited right to use as set forth above. The Recipient acknowledges that, as between the Owner and the Recipient, the Confidential Information and all related copyrights and other intellectual property rights, are (and at times will be) the property of the Owner, even if suggestions, comments, and/or ideas made by the Recipient are incorporated into the Confidential Information or related materials during the period of the Agreement.

IX. INDEMNITY. Each party agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other party and its officers, directors, agents, affiliates, distributors, representatives, and employees from any and all third party claims, demands, liabilities, costs and expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, cost and expenses resulting from the indemnifying party’s material breach of any duty. representation, or warranty under this Agreement.

X. ATTORNEY’S FEES. In any legal action between the parties concerning this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.

XI. TERM. The obligations of this Agreement shall survive Indefinitely from the Effective Date or until the Owner sends the Recipient written notice releasing the Recipient from this Agreement. After that, the Recipient must continue to protect the Confidential Information that was received during the term of this Agreement from unauthorized use or disclosure indefinitely.

XII. GENERAL PROVISIONS. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties regarding confidentiality. Any amendments must be in writing and signed by both parties. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Nevada. This Agreement shall not be assignable by either party. Neither party may delegate its duties under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. The confidentiality provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect at all times in accordance with the term of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining portions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and construed so as to best effectuate the original intent and purpose of this Agreement.

XIII. WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION. This Agreement is in compliance with the Defend Trade Secrets Act and provides civil or criminal immunity to any individual for the disclosure of trade secrets; (1) made in confidence to a federal, state, or local government official, or to an attorney when the disclosure is to report suspected violations of the law; or (11) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit if made under seal.

XIV. SIGNATORIES. This Agreement shall be executed by Susan L. Sweeney Bain, Owner, on behalf of Zen Racing Stats LLC and Recipient and delivered in the manner prescribed by law as of the date first written above.