So Where are we now and What Happens Next?

Now that we’ve reached this point in our endeavor we can expect a continuance of starts and stops in order to refine the program outputs. Not that we’ll notice much interruption, probably only an occasional delay in posting the daily potential bets, however, these steps are necessary. They will be tweaking and validating by viewing the previous days results as well as from the feedback I give them on our test bets towards improving accuracy and having a finished product that we can confidently wager from.

I’m including a video of our program and the previous days results for what our program calls the “Standouts” that we publish under our Potential Bets – all list. Since there is no sound, note that the top part of the program lists 12 potential bets on the list and as you’ll see from this screen shot that below is the list of how the program projected the horses would run each race and to the left the word Pos stands for finishing position. Right now we’re averaging 50% wins from the top 3 program selections for all races and in order to show you this, I will uncheck the Standouts link so you’ll see each race at all racetracks running yesterday. And when I tallied yesterday’s results there were 119 total races where only 48 did not have the winner selected in the top three which means 60% of the races had the winner selected in the top 3.

Click on image to enlarge

In a sense I am sort of opening up a can of worms by sharing this because there is so much more to share that I will cover later, like why there may be more runners listed on this list than we posted however since it’s important to me that you follow along with our progress I want to show this to you now. Only ask everyone to hold back any questions until I’ve had the chance to fully update.

Results races 7/27/21 (Click the square next to the volume to view full screen video). Click escape to reduce size

In addition, the mathematician, Nick, who I am happy to say is now one of us (a shareholder) and our head developer (who is my partner in equi-stats and also a shareholder) are tweaking and validating, and tweaking and validating the integration of Ed’s algorithms towards additional accuracy. When this reaches their pinnacle, they will go to work on integrating the mathematicians first group of validations and at yesterday’s meeting was informed should be in place in two weeks. From here we’ll notice a big, big change in the numbers, rating wise and accuracy though this integration will also require necessary tweaking and validating.

Not all algorithms will debut in this version. To explain what this actually means is we could only estimate the process of the massive undertaking we chose to initiate, the size of the database, and all it’s components as well as all the data points we’re asking to include and these can only be validated as the clean data is made ready. So what they have chosen to do is tackle the essential base first which is Ed’s brain and the 4 race form cycle that is track specific, class specific, distance specific and surface specific. The results of 50% winners from the top three selections is better than anyone projected and this was right out of the gate, prior to any tweaking.

Though I can confidently bet with what is already in place, it still requires a lot of looking through things on my end, meaning hours of handicapping, and until the mathematicians algorithms are in, I’m finding the bulk of our wagers from the full race card list as opposed to from the Potential Bet All list though those are also hitting at a 50% win rate from the top three and one of the main reasons I’m fully aware that at this point can not be too much higher is because we are awaiting surface and surface condition to be applied. Horses do not run the same on a muddy track verses fast and the same applies to a good turf verses firm however these will be in over the next few weeks.

Going to stop here so I can post this update. At present I am not betting every day though I am when Del Mar is running because they offer Parlay bets through the Casino. This is something Ed wanted most of all and we didn’t know if this would be possible. Another topic that I plan to delve into a little later however for now this is the only track I can place these wagers on. Since I’m wearing a lot of hats right now and the development of our program is essential to our progression I’m going to resume these updates early next week.

Also on board is my new assistant who possess presentation skills like no other so you’ll get to see a lot of good over the next few weeks as we let em roll………….

Thank You!!!

As we embark upon the beginning of our wonderful venture that is certain to change our lives, I want you to know from my heart and my love Ed’s heart that we know none of this would have been possible without You. Each of You and your years of support and belief in us and what we have put together is literally what has kept me moving onward.

I’m in the process of putting together an additional update. There is much to share, where we are now and truly how things will unfold. The progress continues daily and testing and checking things as of late is the reason for most of the update delays though plan to have the next one posted for you some time tomorrow. Stay tuned 🙂

Bizarre Methods no one else would think of

We did it! We’re here because of bizarre methods no one else would think of adopting and it’s now time for me to put into action all that we’ve been working towards!

Bizarre methods no one else would think of adopting

Have so much to catch up on and I think that the quickest and simplest way to relay all the good that has happened, where we are now and what is to come is through the use of bullet points followed then by the details of which will take several days for me to write:

  • Integrating of all Ed Bain’s 4-race form cycle algorithms on Layoffs, Claims, Debuts, and Won Last Race (which developers labeled a snow flake of the full integration)
  • Test Bets (currently here with positive results to report)
  • Delivery of the first group of the mathematicians validations
  • Converting python code to C++
  • Test Bets
  • Hired an Assistant who will among many other things assist me in keeping everyone informed (already hired, in training and soon will be….)
  • Producing videos showing our betting program and what we have
  • Training equi-stats partners to test bet (back up bettors already in place, hand picked partners by Ed and me who amazingly we both chose the same excellent handicappers)
  • Delivery of the second group of the mathematicians validations
  • Converting python code to C++
  • Test Bets

    I soon discovered that I was mistaken when I informed everyone that all the algorithms have been added in. I was so impressed and taken back by this integration and the accuracy of the stats that when the developers said all the algorithms were in I mistakenly took this as all, not hearing that these were the ones pertaining to Ed and all his criteria. This addition has the ratings currently winning from the top three program selections 50% of the time. These include all of Ed’s 4-race form cycle algorithms on Layoffs, Claims, Debuts, and Won Last Race (which developers labeled a snow flake of the full integration) and in the same statement said we will soon be incomprehensibly dazzled when the mathematicians validations begin integration and went out on a limb to say we’ll see nothing like we’ve ever encountered before.

I’ve began making actual test bets though it wasn’t until yesterday (Sunday) that I really had the chance to delve. Though a small loss given the full scope of everything being new and finding my way, I found most of the wagers I made were based off of the full reports rather than the Potential Bet List.

In order to get an update out tonight I’m going to stop here and include the report of these test bets and continue this update tomorrow. We’re also having another meeting with all my partners and the developers late tomorrow which we’ll include their additions over the next few days too. Here’s our test bets so far: Test Bets

In closing I want to share that I am totally confident in this development and how things are coming together and after yesterday I know that with what is already present, not even including the rest and the best that is yet to come that we’ll bolt from the starting gate. From here my focus will now be on opening up 4 of the 8 and 1/2 remaining shares to fund our bets.

Taken by Surprise, Christmas in July

A lot has taken place over the last ten days and I have to say that never in my life have I been more pleasantly surprised. Absolutely never………

While we were expecting to be briefed on the process the developers would take to deliver the Mathematician’s work for evaluation, they delivered it! The algorithms are in!

And as expected, the dynamics completely changed and the amount of runners identified on our daily Potential Bet List have been significantly reduced. Now the evaluating can begin.

On Tuesday my equi-stats partners, head developer and mathematician are meeting and I will be briefed on the recent integration and after this I will be able to fill everyone in on everything!

Happy 4th

Quick Note: Just wanted to mention that we’ll discuss why I chose to bet these horses the way that they are listed below this week and also plan to share a more in depth discussion of what our betting program is designed to do. It’s difficult to bet and discuss races at the same time which is why we’ll set a precedence to always discuss plays at a time when we’re not actually betting. Since we’re at 30 to 35% wins, I am more selective on who I choose to bet to win and noticed sometimes there more value in a race to bet a horse to place or show which is why some of the plays listed below are NOT on the Potential Bet list as a potential win. Remember the program also shows statistics for place and show so if the horse is listed as a bet below in any position other than Win, it’s because the program showed a large stat for that runner to finish in that position and because this is about making money, there is another horse in the race that shows more value than betting the horse to win.
Though please feel free to bet the listed plays any way that you wish cause you may like other horses that you want to include in an exotic play.

Speaking of exotic plays, I’m also going to bet a couple of exotic wagers for us on plays that are not on our PB list and wanted to wait to get the scratches and race conditions before sharing these bets starting with my POD (Play of the Day):

Woodbine Race: First at 10/1 I’m betting across the board on the 2 horse because the horse has recent workouts greater than todays distance:
Woodbine Race 9:
Exacta Box 2,8
Daily Double 2,8/10

Arlington Race 8:
.10 Superfecta PW 2,4,8/ALL/5/ALL
.10 Superfecta PW 2,4,8/ALL/ALL/5
.10 Superfecta PW ALL/2,4,8/5/ALL
.10 Superfecta PW ALL/2,4,8/ALL/5
$2 EX KB 5/ALL

Belmont Race 6:
.10 Superfecta PW 3,4,12/1,3-12/9/1,3-12  $21.60
.10 Superfecta PW 3,4,12/ALL/ALL/9 $21.60
.10 Superfecta PW ALL/3,4,12/9/ALL
.10 Superfecta PW ALL/3,4,12/ALL/9
$2 EX BOX 3-4-9-12

That’s all. Good luck today!

Here are all the bets I’m making today from our program. Biggest note is that if the race was on the turf and now off, please pass. Other than this, I will be making all these bets:

2 W/P/S
5 P/S
2 W/S
8 W/P Must be on Turf
9 Show
4 W/P
4 W/P/S
3 P/S
6 P/S
2 P/S


Non-Disclosure Agreement

This Non-disclosure Agreement (this “Agreement” is effective as of May 08, 2020 the “Effective Date”), by and between Zen Racing Stats LLC (the “Owner”), of 8465 W Sahara Ave Suite 111-515, Las Vegas, Nevada 89117, and all LLC Members (the “Recipient”) where

Zen Racing Stats LLC will be sharing proprietary information with all its members, investors, and silent partners and as long as they own stock in and/or work for Owner in any capacity is prohibited from sharing, giving away, selling, showing or collaborating with to any person and/or entity outside Zen Racing Stats LLC company indefinitely.

The Owner has requested and the Recipient agrees that the Recipient will protect the confidential material and information which may be disclosed between the Owner and the Recipient. Therefore, the parties agree as follows:

I. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The term “Confidential Information” means any information or material which is proprietary to the Owner, whether or not owned or developed by the Owner, which is not generally known other than by the Owner, and which the Recipient may obtain through any direct or indirect contact with the Owner Regardless of whether specifically identified as confidential or proprietary. Confidential Information shall include any information provided by the Owner concerning the business, technology and information of the Owner deals, including, without limitation, business records and plans, trade secrets, technical data, product ideas, contracts, financial information, pricing structure, discounts, computer programs and listings, source code and/or object code, copyrights and intellectual property, inventions, sales leads, strategic alliances, partners, and customer and client lists. The nature of the information and the manner of disclosure are such that a reasonable person would understand it to be confidential.

A. “Confidential Information” does not include:

– matters of public knowledge that result from disclosure by the Owner;

– information rightfully received by the Recipient from a third party without a duty of confidentiality;

– information independently developed by the Recipient;

– information disclosed by operation of law;

– information disclosed by the Recipient with the prior written consent of the Owner;

– information disclosed by the Recipient with the prior written consent of the Owner; and any other information that both parties agree in writing is not confidential

II. PROTECTION OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Recipient understands and acknowledges that the Confidential Information has been developed or obtained by the Owner by the investment of significant time, effort and expense, and that the Confidential Information is a valuable, special and unique asset of the Owner which provides the Owner with a significant competitive advantage, and needs to be protected from improper disclosure. In consideration for the receipt by the Recipient of the Confidential Information, the Recipient agrees as follows:

A. No Disclosure. The Recipient will hold the Confidential Information in confidence and will not disclose the Confidential Information to any person or entity without the prior written consent of the Owner.

B. No Copying/Modifying. The Recipient will not copy or modify any Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the Owner.

C. Unauthorized Use. The Recipient shall promptly advise the Owner if the Recipient becomes aware of any possible unauthorized disclosure or use of the Confidential Information.

D. Application to Employees. The Recipient shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any employees of the Recipient, except those employees who are required to have the Confidential Information in order to perform their job duties in connection with the limited purposes of this Agreement. Each permitted employee to whom Confidential Information is disclosed shall sign a non-disclosure agreement substantially the same as this Agreement at the request of the Owner.

III. UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION – INJUNCTION. If it appears that the Recipient has disclosed (or has threatened to disclose) Confidential Information in violation of this Agreement, the Owner shall be entitled to an injunction to restrain the Recipient from disclosing the Confidential Information in whole or in part. The Owner shall not be prohibited by this provision from pursuing other remedies, including a claim for losses and damages.

IV. NON-CIRCUMVENTION. For a period of five (5) years after the end of the
term of this Agreement, the Recipient will not attempt to do business with, or otherwise solicit any business contacts found or otherwise referred by Owner to Recipient for the purpose of circumventing, the result of which shall be to prevent the Owner from realizing a profit, fees, or otherwise, without the specific written approval of the Owner. In such circumvention shall occur the Owner shall be entitled to any commissions due pursuant to this Agreement or relating to such transaction.

V. RETURN OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Upon the written request of the Owner, the Recipient shall return to the Owner all written materials containing the Confidential Information. The Recipient shall also deliver to the Owner written statements signed by the Receipt certifying that all materials have been returned within five (5) days of receipt of the request.

VI. RELATIONSHIP TO PARTIES. Neither party has an obligation under this Agreement to purchase any service or item from other party, or commercially offer any products using or incorporating the Confidential Information. This Agreement does not create any agency, partnership, or joint venture.

VII. NO WARRANTY. The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that the Confidential Information is provided on an “AS IS” basis. THE OWNER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OWNER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OR USE OF ANY PORTION OF THE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. The Owner does not represent or warrant that any product or business plans disclosed to the Recipient will be marketed or carried out as disclosed, or at all. Any actions taken by the Recipient in response to the disclosure of the Confidential Information shall be solely at the risk of the Recipient.

VIII. LIMITED LICENSE TO USE. The Recipient shall not acquire any intellectual property rights under this Agreement except the limited right to use as set forth above. The Recipient acknowledges that, as between the Owner and the Recipient, the Confidential Information and all related copyrights and other intellectual property rights, are (and at times will be) the property of the Owner, even if suggestions, comments, and/or ideas made by the Recipient are incorporated into the Confidential Information or related materials during the period of the Agreement.

IX. INDEMNITY. Each party agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other party and its officers, directors, agents, affiliates, distributors, representatives, and employees from any and all third party claims, demands, liabilities, costs and expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, cost and expenses resulting from the indemnifying party’s material breach of any duty. representation, or warranty under this Agreement.

X. ATTORNEY’S FEES. In any legal action between the parties concerning this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.

XI. TERM. The obligations of this Agreement shall survive Indefinitely from the Effective Date or until the Owner sends the Recipient written notice releasing the Recipient from this Agreement. After that, the Recipient must continue to protect the Confidential Information that was received during the term of this Agreement from unauthorized use or disclosure indefinitely.

XII. GENERAL PROVISIONS. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties regarding confidentiality. Any amendments must be in writing and signed by both parties. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Nevada. This Agreement shall not be assignable by either party. Neither party may delegate its duties under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. The confidentiality provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect at all times in accordance with the term of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining portions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and construed so as to best effectuate the original intent and purpose of this Agreement.

XIII. WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION. This Agreement is in compliance with the Defend Trade Secrets Act and provides civil or criminal immunity to any individual for the disclosure of trade secrets; (1) made in confidence to a federal, state, or local government official, or to an attorney when the disclosure is to report suspected violations of the law; or (11) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit if made under seal.

XIV. SIGNATORIES. This Agreement shall be executed by Susan L. Sweeney Bain, Owner, on behalf of Zen Racing Stats LLC and Recipient and delivered in the manner prescribed by law as of the date first written above.